
Monday, 30 June 2014

The New Carpet

The New Carpet

Last week we were very busy packing up all of our things in Room One.  First we tidied them up and organised things into boxes.  We used cardboard boxes and plastic boxes.  Some old things got put into the rubbish bin. Then the recycling students from Rooms 6 and 8 came to take them away.  Then two days later our books and learning activity things were taken to Room 3 by the Rooms 6 and 8 students.  Everything had to be moved out of Room 1.  

On Wednesday we moved into Room 3.  It is fun being in a different classroom, but sometimes it is hard to find our exercise books.  Miss Craig made sure that we could find our pencils and crayons.  Then she found our books.  

Today the Carpet man has come to start putting down our new carpet in Room 1.  We are having some new lino put down too.  We can't wait to see it.  Sister Evalesi and Mrs Dines chose the colour.   

By Room 1

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